If I don’t have any living children, can I still join?
Firstly, we hear you and see you in your loss. Thank you for sharing. The Modern Dad Project is honored to welcome “Dads” of all identities including those who have navigated miscarriages, abortions or the loss of their little one(s) in any form.
Is this group therapy?
No, we are not clinical psychologists or counselors attempting to manage any mental health conditions. This is a community cohort for Dad’s developing health and wholeness through sharing, listening and support seeking. We do not offer answers or solutions (unless requested).
Can this replace therapy?
Absolutely not. While the group may experience therapeutic-like healing, no member in this group should replace therapy (or other healing modalities) through participation in The Modern Dad Project
How many people will do this?
Somewhere between 8-12 individuals, though this may be subject to change
How do we meet?
Regular meetings are held virtually over Zoom
Periodically in-person for special events in California or other locations (subject to change)
Does this cost anything?
No. There is no financial requirement however there will be events which you can donate towards. We are not a business, and we are not attempting to make a profit from any work done here.
Is there a facilitator?
No. We all are facilitating by sharing our presence and vulnerability with one another. Roles are distributed similarly to “Toastmaster” type meetings. See “Roles” below
What if I cannot attend a session (or several)?
We know life happens, and communication is essential to maintaining the momentum of our group. You can miss sessions as long as you communicate with another attending member and assume a role upon your return.
The cohort does hold the democratic right to remove any Dad from the cohort at any time (for any reason).
I missed the Nov 5th application due date, can I still join?
No. However, once our first cohort has ended we will host future cohorts and would love your participation.